Friday, January 31, 2014

Minecraft Handmade Village

I also have a city on survival mode. There is a hotel, a fountain, a graveyard, a hospital, a florist shop, a restaurant, an endless well, a grocery store, and two houses for sale. The national currency is cobblestone, so if a sign says that something costs $15.00, it means fifteen pieces of cobblestone.

The Hotel
  • Floors 1, 2, and 3 cost $10.00 per day.
  • Floor 4 (the top floor) costs $15.00 per day, because there is a balcony.
  • Room service- To order room service, you have to say RS in the chat bar. You can ask about lighting, extra beds, security, extra chests, or food.
  • Each  room provides a chest, a crafting table, and a bed.

The Fountain
  • Simply for decoration, but townspeople can throw their cobblestone in and make a wish anytime!
The Graveyard
  • Only two graves- Mae Young and My Hopes and Dreams (LOL!)
The Hospital
  • The hospital has food and beds.
The Florist Shop
  • $1.00 for any two flowers
  • Sells blue roses and yellow dandelions
The Restaurant
  • One item for $1.00
  • The menu includes beetroot stew, apples, porkchops, beef, chicken, bread, and baked potato.
The Endless Well
  • This well can never be empty out, due to the way it is built.
  • Nobody can drown in this, considering it is one block deep.
  • People can  get water for free.
The Grocery Store
  • Not very big.
  • Sells eggs, seeds, and wool.
  • Eggs- $1.00 each or $4.00 for five.
  • Seeds- $1.00 for three.
  • Wool- $1.00 each or $3.00 for five.
Houses For Sale
  • Quite small
  • $35.00 each
Well, that was longer than expected. I hope you were inspired or something was benefited from this. Comment!!!!! PLZ!

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