Monday, July 15, 2013

OK, this has absolutely nothing to do with Minecraft, but at about 1:30 this morning, I woke up to my 2 year old brother crying his eyes out. I thought he was just being really loud because his room is all the way at the other end of the house. It turns out he was just standing in the living room. He somehow got out of his crib and out of his bedroom. My mom and dad were both at karaoke, so I had now idea what to do.Everytime I tried to put him back in his crib he would start crying again. Of course, my 2 sisters were awake too and they knew what he wanted to do and what he wanted to have, but he was being to loud and we thought he would wake everyone else up. So we called my mom and she didn't answer so we called my dad and he came home almost right away. as soon as they came home, Mom picked him up and he would not let her put him down. So she put him back in bed and me and my sisters went back to bed- sort of. I played Minecraft :P.

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