Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I built a house and decided to move out of it. I put up a FOR SALE 5 GOLD sign. The next day I come in for the rest of my stuff and there is a creeper and a spider in the house. I told him,"You didn't pay!!!"
The spider jumped on me and kind of looked at me like,"There's your payment." I killed him but I left the creeper alone. No reason... okay, fine, I admit it. I LIKE Creepers. *sighs* Now I feel ashamed.
I finally finished building my beach house! I've been working on it for three days!

Monday, July 22, 2013

I found out about a portal to this place called the "Aether". All you need to do is make a frame with 4 glowstone on the bottom and top and then 5 glowstone on each side. Then you fill it with water. It should take you to a place that kind of looks like it is really foggy. I haven't gotten a chance to test it yet so if it doesn't work don't get worked up. I'm going t post a pic of what the portal should look like.

Here is a list of some of the Minecraft Mobs.

Chicken, cow, mooshroom, ocelet, pig, sheep, squid, villagers, skeleton jockey, enderman, wolf, zombie pigman, blaze, cave spider, creeper, ghast, magma cube, silverfish, skeleton, slime, spider, zombie, snow golem, iron golem, mutant enderman, mutant creeper, mutant zombie, and bull.

Saturday, July 20, 2013
This is a link for a place to play a game based on Minecraft but it is 2-D and instead of Enderman there is little robot eye thingies.
Please tell me where I can play Minecraft for free with NO Download!!! I really want to play Minecraft on PC. I only ever play it on my sisters Kindle Fire. I also can't download anything on this laptop because it belongs to my dad. I don't want to download anything that might cause a virus (unlike my brothers, who downloaded like a jillion things.)
Notch's real name is Markus Persson!!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

OK, this has absolutely nothing to do with Minecraft, but at about 1:30 this morning, I woke up to my 2 year old brother crying his eyes out. I thought he was just being really loud because his room is all the way at the other end of the house. It turns out he was just standing in the living room. He somehow got out of his crib and out of his bedroom. My mom and dad were both at karaoke, so I had now idea what to do.Everytime I tried to put him back in his crib he would start crying again. Of course, my 2 sisters were awake too and they knew what he wanted to do and what he wanted to have, but he was being to loud and we thought he would wake everyone else up. So we called my mom and she didn't answer so we called my dad and he came home almost right away. as soon as they came home, Mom picked him up and he would not let her put him down. So she put him back in bed and me and my sisters went back to bed- sort of. I played Minecraft :P.
I just started I new Minecraft world and the first thing I saw was cane and a ton of coal. I found the perfect place! I have a ton of sheep, a bunch of cows, and just a few pigs.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pink Sheep

On Minecraft I found a PINK SHEEP!! A sheep with PINK wool!!!

Egg's Guide to Minecraft: Parts 1-12

How to Start a Blog
Step 1: Name your blog. Be sure the name is based on the topic of your blog.
Step 2: Choose a blogger name. Do not include any personal information.
Step 3: Blog
Thank you! Admit it, this helped a lot!
Good Morning! I just played Minecraft and spawned so many black sheep! That sounded racist, didn't it? Sorry! I also did pigs, cows, and chickens. It was like a flood of farm animals.
I have a little decorating tip for your house on Minecraft. It looks amazing!! Use different colored materials to create a checked floor, ceiling, or wall pattern.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Crack: Crazy Messages

tHis is a sEcRet message that nObody can read. if you can please post what it says on the comment section of my Blog i Really want to know what It says. Not rEally I already know what it Says. You should too. i will tell you what is says a little later. foR right now it is classifiEd informAtion. pLease comment if you know what it says!!!
I'm am very excited about my new blog. Please tell all your family and friends about my blog. Maybe this blog could make me FAMOUS!!! Don't judge me, a girl can dream, Right?
Does it anybody else find it creepy that I saw Herobrine in REAL LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! I was getting something that fell off of my sister's loft bed and looked outside the window. It was nighttime so I could barely see anything. Then all of a sudden a pair of rectangular white eyes appeared. They started coming closer, and closer, and closer so I started climbing up her loft bed as fast as I could. I didn't get to sleep until about 3:00 that night. I was SOOOO freaked out!!! Wouldn't you be considering the next morning I saw him again in Minecraft? HE WAS IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!! Officially freaked out.

Minecraft Working Car (NOT EDITED!!) so cool!

Some cow on Minecraft tried to drown me. It pushed me into the water and stood on top of me. I decided to kill it. It tasted so good.
I know the theme of my next B- Day party.......

I'll have a cake that looks like the one from Minecraft (plain yellow batter with white frosting topped off with big, square, red sprinkles.) I'll get a Pinata That looks like a Creeper and smack it with a stick that looks like a diamond sword. I could make the pinata look like Herobrine but not everyone knows about him so I'll keep it simple. I could have chicken for the meal part and I could drink milk. I could have a scavenger hunt where they look for diamonds and gold and coal and stuff like that.
The only thing I'm going to be doing from now untill about 10:00 is blogging. Sometimes when people say they're going to blog (How often does that happen?) it sounds like they're sick.
Tomorrow at 1:00 I'm having a Minecraft Party at my house (I'm only inviting two of my brothers and two of my sisters. One of my brothers is to young. I think he would mess up all the decorations. He is so adorable!
Sometime I need to have a Minecraft Buffet. I'll eat just chicken, beef, pork, eggs, and cake. And after that I could go to bed for like 3 seconds and go mining in the morning.

Revenge (Minecraft Parody of DJ Got Us Falling in Love Again)

I'm Taking a vote. Which do you like better: Enderman or Creeper.I will post pictures, videos, and comments all about the winner. My vote would have to go to Enderman. I made an Enderman out of paper, scissors, a ruler, a pencil, a tape.

Minecraft Enemies First Person

Rumor has it that Notch has created Herobrine to eliminate each and every one of the Minecraft characters so he can have Minecraft all to himself. What do you think... Notch or not? Comment please!!!

Herobrine and Notch

Herobrine Swarm

The First Known Sighting of Herobrine

If you see Herobrine please post a picture, video, or comment and tell or show us about your Herobrine encounter. Also do the same if you see Notch.

Fun Fact #3

Have you heard of the new John mod? they have small Johns, Regular sized Johns, and huge Johns. The small and regular Johns drop gems when you kill them and the huge John gives you a diamond when you kill them.

Fun Fact #2

Pigs, cows, and wolves can drown if you push them in the water and put something on top of them.

Fun Fact #1

My sister just found out that you can fuel your furnace with not only coal but with wool, too!
I am starting a Tree Punchers club! The beginners are called Spawners, the farmers and average Minecraft players are called Tree Punchers, Minecraft warriors are called Survivors, Minecraft commanders are called Herobrine Hunters, once you find Herobrine you are a Herobrine Finder, once you fight Herobrine you are a  Herobrine Fighter, once you kill Herobrine you are a Herobrine Slayer, once you advance all ranks and have tried survival, difficult, peaceful, creative, and multiplayer (if you play on pocket edition, you don't have to do multiplayer. I know how that is.) on Minecraft you are called Top Notch (get it, Top Notch), the highest rank. There are different tasks you have to do to advance each rank. To be a Spawner, you obviously just have to spawn. To be a Tree Puncher you have to do the following tasks;
  • Punch down at least 8 trees. (random number, I know. :P)
  • Grow and harvest at least 5 plants without the help of potions, powders, or bonemeal.
  • Do 1 of the following; milk 1 cow, shear 1 sheep, or collect 2 chicken eggs (The reason you have to do less for the other things is that the for other things you have to craft something.)
To be a Survivor, you have to;
  • Kill 3 Creepers (If these exist in your game mode)
  • Kill 8 Zombies (Again with that random number! :P)
  • Kill 2 Skeletons (If these exist in your game mode)
  • Kill 3 Spiders (*sighs* If these dah dah dah dah dah)
  • Kill 1 Enderman (You know the drill)
Herobrine Hunter;
  • Do the steps for Survivor, but double it.
  • Search for the dangerous Mob known as Herobrine.
Herobrine Finder;
  • See Herobrine and chase him.
Herobrine Fighter;
  • Hit Herobrine at least one time with whatever you want to. It can be a bow and arrow. It is allowed to be enchanted. If you die in the process, it still counts.
Herobrine Slayer;
  • Kill Herobrine. You can use at trap, a weapon, a potion, your freakin' bare fists, heck, hack the game if you wanna, just kill him!
Top Notch;
  • Try every game mode and difficulty available to you.
  • Advance every other rank FIRST.
  • I know what you're thinking,"Ain't nobody got time for that!" LOL :P
Anyway, if you do any of these things, just put a comment in the comment section. I am a Herobrine Finder. I have seen Herobrine in my house twice, and outside of my house once. I have never seen his face while playing Minecraft, I have in pictures, but I know it was him because I wasn't playing multiplayer, ya'll know how dat is. (Madea LOL)

Top 24 Minecraft Songs

Go to and look up Egg's Guide to Minecraft. I already have Part 1 posted so all you have to do is watch that then you can see part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, you know et cetera, et cetera. The Crack is hilarious so you should she all of their videos. I am only going to post some of them.

Egg's Guide to Minecraft

How Not to be Bored

The Robot

Mac vs. PC (Hilarious!)

Mutant Creeper

Herobrine Sightings and Signs

Monday, July 8, 2013

Giant Zombie

Ender Creature

Keep Calm and Play Minecraft


Temple of Notch

I'll be in me Minecraft if you Minecraft me! (Don't judge me.)

Notch Encounter

Minecraft is the best game ever invented! Thank you Notch!

Herobrine Proof

Join Me Stevie

This one is definitely my least favorite.

Herobrine Sightings: The Prisoner

Herobrine Sightings: The Pilot

Herobrine Sightings: The King

Herobrine Sightings: The Fisherman

Herobrine Sightings: The Farmer

Some Items That I Used to Own

Don't Mine at Night

I totally saw Herobrine yesterday! I walked one step into my house and saw a man wearing a blue shirt. I could not see his face but he had dark brown hair and I was in single player mode. I know it was Herobrine!
Hey Minecraft lovers! I will be posting videos, facts, pictures, helpful tips, Herobrine sightings, and random comments all about Minecraft! I have never had a blog before so I might be a little ridiculous with the number of things I post.